Tandy Hard

Friday, June 29, 2007

Let's survive this weekend! Yea!

I'm moving this weekend, and boy it is hard work. Especially by yourself. Everything except the dishes, and the stuff for one last shower is packed. Tomorrow, after I get off of work, some of my co-workers will come and help me move. (I'm pretty sure they will show up, I did bribe them with free beer and pizza!) With five of us working at it, with my car and Allison's truck we should be done by 6:30. That will give me an evening to get as much cleaning accomplished as I can. On Sunday I can clean before and after work. I'm switched to a new project, this one has a lot of downtime, so I can get some studying done for my pathophysiology test (Which I can't really screw up on). My paper which was due today, I got leave to turn in on Thursday, so I can work on it during the fourth instead of now.

Prayers will be appreciated. I think I can handle it, but it will be busy. I'll be out of contact until I feel ambitious enough to put my computer back together. 1 Month Till I move to Troy. 1.5 Months till I start teaching!

Monday, June 25, 2007


I'm moving for the month of July to another apartment. It is a long and complicated and rather obnoxious story, so I won't stare the details. I will say that it will be a pain in the butt to move again in August (to Troy, where I will actually be living).

I've sold my couch and love seat. There was no way I was going to move the bulky things twice, and they aren't worth the effort and cost of storage...but still. They were some of my first official property. It was very B.C. (before car), and they represent hours of begging for rides to pick up, and pleading for help to move in. They were quite decent for the price that I got them, and still look pretty good. I've got lots of good memories attached to them. The dynamic duo of Dean and Chris who helped move them for a trip to Dairy Queen. Sleeping on the couch when I just needed a change of sleeping space for a night.

I'm pulling down some of the posters, A few I've had since third grade! I like my apartment, it's been home for two years. I feel like I'm settled here. Sigh. This whole transition thing-- especially to a new job is going to be stressful, but I'm sure it will also be rewarding.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Random Acts of Meaness

I fall victim to random acts of kindness frequently. People willing to give rides, friends picking up the lunch tab etc. But once in a while...there's a random act of meanness. For example last spring I was squirted in the face by a high pressure supersoaker walking to Ryle one night. It startled me, soaked me and deeply hurt my feelings. Today, my bike got a flat tire on the way to work, so I had to walk the rest of the way there and the rest of the way back. On the way back, I encountered to shirtless boys walking on the other side of the street. One boy throws a gravel stone at me.
"Why did you do that? It was very un-kind."
Older boy: "He just rolls that way"
I'm then pelted by stones until I'm out of throwing range.
None of them actually hit me, but damn!
I thought you had to commit adultery for something like that.
Who throws rocks at people for fun?!!

I'm super glad I'm getting out of this town

Friday, June 22, 2007

Hiro the Honda

So thigs worked out, and I finally have a car! A 1998 Honda Civic Hatchback! WAHHOOOOOO! I"m over excited to say the least. It already has a cool cherry jelli air freshener, and I'll soon get a Truman State Sticker and a Truman license plate border. Mary Erin was kind enough to be my passenger as I practiced driving. In the Rain. At night. I did alright. After dropping her off, I just relined in the driver's seat and listened to the rain hitting the roof. It is by far my most valuable possesion. It really does symbolize freedom. More more begging rides to the laundrymat. No more not being able to get home when I want to. Being able to move w/ out pleading with at least 10 different people for transportation. Possibility visiting friends in K.C. or St. Louie....The list goes on an on. I guess it is silly, but man it feels really good.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Maybe Just maybe...

What's more painful than high school dating, more reveling than wandering around Wal-Mart naked. More frustrating than getting an 89.9% in a class?

Applying for a car loan.

There is rejection (2x's). Embarrassment ("You only have $100 dollars in your checking account!?") and paperwork ("We need copies of your teaching contract, copies of your last two pay stubs, a copy of your S.S. Card and License, as well as your blood/organ type for collateral ;) ).

Doesn't anyone believe that I'm a trustworthy individual who just needs a car to drive to work?

Cross your fingers for me, third time's a charm.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

My mother wanted him to be a pastor....

My brother's major in college is outdoor education. He gets to do fun things that other people dream about. Here are some links to photos of him rafting various stages of the grand canyon!













Sunday, June 10, 2007

I watch way tooo much Animae for my own good.

On Saturday, I felt it was finally time to scope out the pet shop in Kirksville. It is hidden on a one way street, away from the down town square, and so it took some riding around to find. Once I entered the tiny store, built in the 1940's (and hadn't had new siding since then), I was welcomed by the sound of multiple parrots streatching; a German professors brood squealing around in what can only be described as a mixture of German, English, and unintelligible childhood glee; and a very harried shop keeper trying to catch all the kittens that the youngest had unintentionally released.
I have very good memories of pets. Over the years I've had dogs, cats, Guniea pigs, gerbils, finches, and a array of fish. It also reminded me that I must find a friendly apartment complex where I am living at my new job. Finally the need for animal companionship got to me and I bought another Betta Fish, named Moshe. Yea!

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Blue Birds, singn' a song, nothing but Blue birds....

Right now, things are going very right for me. My teaching contract came in the mail today. With it, I can prove to the bank that I'm a credible, trustworthy person that they can give a car loan to. In two weeks from now, if luck holds out. I will be the proud owner of a 1998 Honda Civic (2 door hatch-back)! I'm super stoked, I'm twenty three years old, but I've never had my own car before. This really means freedom for me. I can visit my sister in Iowa, visit Neva in KC, and most importantly get to the various teacher in-service days at my new job. (2.5 hours away from where I am currently living). The car is incredibly well taken care off, a little on the heavy side on miles (130,000-but I'm told that for a Honda, that is no problem.) The owners are nice, and what's more understand what it is like to be a poor grad student. This is very very exciting.

The only problem is, I haven't really driven since high school. This has paid off for cheap insurance (it is hard to be responsible for an accident when you don't drive), but made me very antsy about driving my new baby around the streets of K-Ville and the highway to get to work. If you are in the area, and are willing to be a driving coach, I'll drive you to Dairy Queen and buy you a sundae, provided that I get you there alive ;)

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Farmer's market

Every Saturday in Kirksville there is a farmer's market on the street in Front of the movie theatre. I go as often as I can. There is the Korean Immigrant whom I buy KimChee from once in a while. The Amish women with baked bread, radishes, and parsley. Jay is there (I buy fantastic Salsa from him every week; I go through a lot of salsa!) As well as the retired Botany professor, from whom I get my greens from ( a bunch each of Swiss Chard, Romaine, and Spinach). Tomatoes, onions, and green peppers from the retired couples, and the random kid trying to make a buck or two from the surplus of his mother's garden. My splurge is no bake cookies, and the random bunch of flowers. I come home at 11:30, already done the major of my grocery shopping, seeing old friends, and treating myself to the smell of BBQ, homemade fudge and baked-this-morning apple pie. YUM! I really enjoy K-Ville in the summer.

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Spiraling down

I destroyed a friendship today. Perhaps this person will forgive me, but my interactions with him/her will always be different from now on. I think deep down I wanted to hurt someone, and this person was the easiest target. Let's just say that I make very unwise decisions, and am very good at burning bridges. I lash out at those around me, when what I really need is just a hug. If she/he is reading this, I'm so incredibly sorry...