Farmer's market
Every Saturday in Kirksville there is a farmer's market on the street in Front of the movie theatre. I go as often as I can. There is the Korean Immigrant whom I buy KimChee from once in a while. The Amish women with baked bread, radishes, and parsley. Jay is there (I buy fantastic Salsa from him every week; I go through a lot of salsa!) As well as the retired Botany professor, from whom I get my greens from ( a bunch each of Swiss Chard, Romaine, and Spinach). Tomatoes, onions, and green peppers from the retired couples, and the random kid trying to make a buck or two from the surplus of his mother's garden. My splurge is no bake cookies, and the random bunch of flowers. I come home at 11:30, already done the major of my grocery shopping, seeing old friends, and treating myself to the smell of BBQ, homemade fudge and baked-this-morning apple pie. YUM! I really enjoy K-Ville in the summer.
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