Tandy Hard

Friday, April 27, 2007

Job Hunt

Recently my mom was re-elected to the School Board. In a small town like Newton Ks, that brings a certain amount of prestige. When she was running, we joked that I'd be her campagin manager, thus starting my illustrous entry into something like "West Wing-Kansas Style" where after I got Katheleen Sebelius a senate seat, I'd revamp midwest populism. Alas, TSU got in the way again. No harm was done, Momma even got school board President! Wahoo.
Except now there is a Biology/Chemistry teaching postion in my hometown, and I can't apply because of nepotism.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Good Bye! Ryle Hall Night Monitoring Station!

So, with any luck, this is the last Sunday that I will work from 2-6 in the morning. How fantastic is that?!! Even better-I'm starting to apply for a real job- Science Teaching postions in the state of Missouri! Yea! Pretty soon, people will start to think that I'm a real grownup. (Or something)

Friday, April 20, 2007

A good poem!

I like poetry waayyy to much for a science major. Waayyyy to much. Like songs, it can reflect moods and mind set; unlike music, the melody, the ambiance that you hear it in are all your own. At Martiz, I have about 2o seconds between calls. I'm going to start using this time to memorize poetry if I can. Here's the first one, a sonnet , written by Elizabeth Bishop

I am in need of music that would flow
Over my fretful, feeling finger-tips,
Over my bitter-tainted, trembling lips,
with melody, deep, clear, and liquid slow.
Oh, for the healing swaying, old and low,
Of some song sung to rest the tired dead,
A song to to fall like water on my head,
And over quivering limbs, dream flushed to glow!

There is a magic made by melody:
A spell of rest, and quiet breath, and cool
Heart, that sinks through fading colors deep
To the subaqueous stillness of the sea,
And floats forever in a moon-green pool,
Held in the arms of rhythm and of sleep.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007


So my Education professor made one of the other students in my Classroom Management Course cry. Big Dripping Tears. And we are talking about seasoned Grad Students here, not freshman. Sadly enough, I'm a little relieved. I think it was my adviser's goal to make either me or her cry before the end of the semester, and I'm glad it wasn't me.
The end is in sight as far as school is concerned. I'm definitely looking forward to the farmers market in the summer, and I'm taking decent classes too!

Sunday, April 08, 2007

So I did it!

I'm a sucker. I finally gave in and took the free e-harmony personality test. Boy, they really know how to pull you in! Potential matches were emailed to me the very next day. The only catch- you have to be a member to communicate with them. And that $20 a month? Well it's paid in one installment (of over TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS!) Plus, I'm not that impressed with my potential matches. I made the mistake of saying the word "Mennonite" on my profile. So my potential matches, I have the feeling are conservative Christians who can't spell well (fact already ascertained). At least one implied he lived with his parents. But at the same time, it's like if I don't contact them now, I may miss the love of my life! (Damn you e-harmony marketing, Damn you!)
I have a feeling this may just lead me to be more judgemental of the poor blokes who do contact me, who don't understand the fact that I can't talk to them because I'm broke!

Saturday, April 07, 2007


I'm in K-ville Easter Weekend. This means that the town is deserted. This also means that I am very bored, which leads to large quantities of facebook stalking (never healthy). I've been feeling a little trapped lately. Mostly this had to do with the month of February, which is a horrible, horrible month that I detest, with about as much hatred as people who kill puppies. March was teaching, which was fun, but stressful. Now April is here with those tantalizing hints of spring which means the following things: 1. I'm working out to get rid of my J.Lo assets 2. Considering my life/ where I want to live 3. Wishing that I had a larger repertoire of friends 4. Procrastinating againsta Darwin Paper

Goings on

I havn't been writin for a while. That's okay, I've been busy. Four the past month I"ve been teaching a ninth grade physical science class. This means writting lesson plans and grading papers, teaching and dressing professionally. Whew! I learned a lot from the experiance. I will be a good teacher, but I have to watch myself so I don't develop lazy habits.
I'm at cross roads again! Mainly where I want to live next year. I know the place where you live is what you make of it, but it seems that Seattle might be a little more cooler in an abstract manner, than rural Missouri. Wish me luck in the desisions to come!
I'm up for a very exciting Summer Experiance. After finals, I'll go home fore a few days, then white-water rafting in Utah, then a trip to Omaha and going caving in either Missouri or Kentucky. (Kentuck has more benefits, like the Jack Daniels Distillary and bigger caves). However the last goal requires cajoling someone with a car to go with me. Any takers?
Next goal: be stylin'