Tandy Hard

Sunday, June 28, 2009

A good week

After I got home from Kansas, I spent a day resting. Then I let good intentions carry me away and I picked up a kitten out side of Wal-mart. My cat, Babs, doesn't like her and has been really poutty with me, growling at the kitten and ignoring me. One of my friends came over, and fell in love with her, gave the kitten a nick-name, and now has her over at her house. My friend has two little girls who can give the kitten much more love and attention than I could. I was going to be gone for two days straight and didn't want to deprive the poor thing with no interaction. So I got some good kitten time, and the kitten has a good home.

The next day, I spent the evening with one of my friends from college, Karen. We cooked together making zucchini and mushroom spaghetti, and salad. We went shopping at a hole-in-the-wall fruit store in STL that got us mouth watering watermelon, honey dew, nectarines, blue berries and plums. We made the most amazing fruit salad there ever was! Ripe, lushous, yummyness!

Next, I hung out at one of my co-workers house for the evening. She had a ginormous pool, and we spent the evening eating chocolate, drinking beer/wine and for me smoking cigars. It was finally very cool outside, and a clear night. Watching the stars, shooting the breeze, while swimming around once and awhile was very peacefull and relaxing. We we up til one.

Last night I sold food for the Saint Louis fireworks display. Hawking Ice Tea, Lemonade, Nachos, and roasted corn was fun. When I was driving home, there were fireworks to the south of me and cloud lightening to the north of me. When I got home, I went to the river and watched the lightening. The river was absorbing light, so inky black while the sky would light up randomly with spackles of brightness. It was very cool to see.

All in all it has been a great week!


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