Tandy Hard

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Last night I went shopping. Clothes shopping is still a relatively new experience for me. Family grew up pretty poor, an dI wore hand-me down clothes, we didn't even shop at Goodwill or Salvation army. I always wore clothes that were Already used when I got them and out-of-style. I remeber the first time I actually went clothes shopping with my mother, I was a sophomore in high school and we bought two pairs of jeans. My boss during high school would always chatise me about wearing more professional clothes. But she was paying me minium wage, and I wasn't going to spend my hard earned money on clothes, I was going to save it for college!

In college, I my uniform was, jeans, flip-flops, a T-Shirt and a hoodie! The only exseption was debate tournaments, where I dressed up complete with skirt suits and makeup! It was quite the contrast!

Now I'm earning some money and am expected to dress professionally. This results in me going shopping at the Goodwill and JCPennies. I love shopping at Pennies! 1. Everything is new! 2. Everything is cute! 3. When I was little, when Grandma wanted to get something nice, she shopped at Pennies.

I guess to me it is symbolic of entering into the middle class, of having power, purchasing power. I am also stripped of the moral ritouesness that I once had. I would sniff in College when my friend brought in something new from Banana Republic "At least the Salvation Army doesn't support sweatshops!"

I'm finding out that it is nice to look nice, and am feeling the tugs of all that relization portends!

Sunday, July 26, 2009


There is something very cool about unzipping a tent walking out in the middle of the night with the cicadas chirping, to the outhouse, underneath a canopy stars. Or simply walking a few feet away from the tent, exposing your bare ass to the world, and urinating in the middle of nature's night. The only risk is mosquito bites.

Bonne Terre mine was awesome too.