Tandy Hard

Monday, October 02, 2006

Don't Cry for Me Argentina, the true is I never left you!

Wow, a month and a half. That's pretty lame even by my standards. The good part is, that most people, even if anybody did check this, have abandon my readership for more entertaining persuits. This perhaps means thatIi can be slightly more personal, because no one really reads this, but at the same time, it's slightly risky becasue some one might! (or perhaps I should just invest in a journal

I'm supposed to be traveling with my old college forensics team to Creighton two weeks from now. ( They didn't ask me, they just assumed I'd go) that would be great, except for that it falls over fall break,(three day weekend) and I'd be missing eight hours of work. Eight might not seem like much but when you already work for seven hrs on monday nights, you have to spread it over tuesday and wednesday night. Which means that homework gets done sloppily late at night.

I love my team, and want to do everything I can to help them be sucessful, and I love tournaments, I get to see some amazing friends and hang with the team. but finacially, mussing out on forty bucks is goign to suck, if i don't makeup hours, and I really neeed to get good grades in my Grad. classes.

I'm torn between loyality and being selfish