Tandy Hard

Monday, June 30, 2008

Where oh where did June go?

Where did June go?!
Time flies by when you are having fun. My sister and her husband visited me this weekend. We went to the zoo. It was so good to see her. I really like my family, and it was good to see some one who really knows who I am and loves me for it. I also got to get to know her husband a bit better. The wedding was the first time I actually met him!
He only said "Russ Limbaugh said on the radio the other day...." Three times, so I can handle him. It's nice to talk politics with him because he's a thoughtful conservative. They also liked my belated wedding present, a cedar chest made by one of my college buddies.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Beauty, the Compare People Application on Facebook, and Cesar Milan

So I just read my compare people application on facebook. Apparently, I'm considered not very attractive-it seems that lots of people have better eyes, smell nicer, are more sexy, etc. At first, I was kinda upset about this. Then, I think back to how the people on facebook know me:through college. In college, I was a mess. I was catching up on a ton of social skills that I should have learned in high school, had no clothes budget/still wore hand-me-downs from my cousins, was stressed about school, hung out with a group of people who didn't like me much, and probably treated anybody who asked about my life a long list of how unhappy/ grumpy I was.
And I wondered initially why people would think I was unattractive.
Then Cesar Milan, the Dog Whisperer came into my life. Not really, but watching his show, a couple of things came to a head, that had been swirling around for a while.
He talks to people who have huge dog issues. There dog is violent/ aggressive and misbehaving. Milan tells them to be the pack leader. To show and exert control over your dog by body language and attitude. You're to show them that you are clam, confident and in charge.
For a large portion of my life, I was the opposite, and that showcased my most negative character traits. Shall we say unattractive?
I could fake this "clam and incharge" non-verbal body language in speeches and sometimes deabtes. Perhaps that's why I liked Forensics so much and placed well in speeches. I would also notice that when I was actually going out with someone, I got hit on the most. Again, I think It's those non-verbal signals that I sent out. At that time, I was happy and confident, and that aura helped me be more attractive to other people.
Now, I'm at a point in my life, where self confidence is a must. I've got to teach, and that requires at lot of faith in myself, especially dealing with disruptive students.
Slowly I'm making changes to the person I wan to be. I'm dressing better, I'm taking care of myself more, and I'm working on being more confident, in or out of a relationship.
But this compare people application is bunk anyway....people voted me, out of all the character traits... most likely to skip class!
Not anymore! (unless they want to hire a sub!) :)

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


One of my friends just recently completed an Iron man.
"Swim 2.4 miles, bike 112 miles, run 26.2 miles. Brag, for the rest of your life."
Talk about endurance.
Hat's off to you, Todd!

Monday, June 23, 2008


That's me. The only thing I've got to work on is my Master's Degree project. I'm probably only spending 3 hours a day on that. It is more of a "Thing I've got to get done to get more money" than anything I'm really interested in. My research is far from break through, I'm just jumping through a hoop. In some ways I wish I could be more excited about it, then it would actually be fun to work on. A friend who completed the program last year said she was able to complete it in a week and a half since she devoted every waking hour to it. I've got a good start about 1/3-1/2 done and I've got three weeks left. So no real worries there.
So, I've been re-reading Harry Potter, taking naps, getting some sun. This is about the laziest summer I've had since I've been old enough to work. I think it evens out though. This past year teaching was a unpleasant, stressful experience. I would stay awake till 3 am just thinking about all the things I had to do when I got up in three hours.
Last summer wasn't much better. I took two summer classes, worked full time at a fulfilling job, and moved twice.
Maybe it's finally Karma coming back.
For once, it's just nice being me and not worrying about lesson plans, labs, tests or even forensics speeches.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Grammer Ma'am

So, I'm working on my master's degree project. And I am, apparently, horrible at formal writing and grammar. I mix up their and there, here and here. I talk about "that" when I should be talking about "who". I end sentences with prepositions. I use contractions. I don't spell out words completely: vocabulary (vocab) and laboratory (lab). My sentences can be complex and confusing.

My master's degree advisor's PhD is in biology, not grammar, he keeps telling me.
And to top the hole ( :0) mess off, I keep wanting to spell grammar -grammer!

Thank the Lord for the red/green squiggly line or I'd be hopeless.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

No New Chinchillers

I had tried adopting two female chinchillas from the Saint Louis Chinchilla rescue. However, the Lady in charge of the rescue tried introducing the pair to a newcomer, and it was a no-go. She feels that they wouldn't adapt well to my girl Bridget.
So, I've got a quandry... do I go to the evil place (Petsmart) and pay $150 for a chinchilla probably irresponsibly breed? Or do I spend a tank of gas driving to a reputable breeder and most likely paying even more for a chin?
Bridget being alone isn't really an option at this point. But spending money isn't really an option either.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


I've been surfing the web, reading various blogs.
There are thousands of people who are richer, smarter, and use those skills to go on fabulous adventures.

But I figure that I've got something that they don't got. Passion. Passion for teaching. The Gonads to stand up to a career that has handed me one of the most painful years I have ever experienced and say: "Got more?!"

This year I have changed 180 kids' lives. Some for the best, some for the "I fucking hate Ms. Hobbs". And a few, perhaps a small few, I've fed their passion.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

the pain is gone!

Gentlemen reading this post should probably stop now. This one's for the girls.
I've been told that having your period is called "the curse". For me, as of yesterday, i thought is was a misnomer. Inconvenient and messy, yes. Evil? No.

Then today came, and I wished for death. For about two hours I was in severe pain in my mid-section. I thought I had food poisoning, untimely-with my monthly. The pain was so bad I vomited three times. I spent the time, curled up in the fetal positions at various locations in my apartment, alternating between chills, hot flashes, and walking around because the pain was too much. I ended up calling my Mom, asking her if a visit to the emergency room was appropriate. Two hours of "I think this is how you are supposed to do relaxation breathing", and two pills of Midol (2 try)-It suddenly stopped.

The weird thing is now, today, it's a good day! It's amazing the contrast of pain/without pain has an effect on your mood. I'm ecstatic that the pain is gone, even though it's been a mediocre day otherwise.

Sunday, June 08, 2008


Sad news: I accidentally killed my Chinchilla (Gisele) coming back from my parents house. Chinchillas are heat sensitive, originally from the mountains of Chile they should be above temperatures 85 Degree. I forgot that my parents house isn't air-conditioned, so both Chins had a lot of heat stress during the four days I was home. Bridget handled it alot better than Gizzy, even going nose to nose with my parents puppy.
The day I drove back, it was about 85 degrees. I had to run two errands that required me to leave my car. My windows were open halfway, I had one of those reflecting windshield covers. My chinchillas cages were covered, so they were in the shade. The temperature in the car was the same as it was outside. But that proved too much for Gisele, although thankfully not for Bridget. I feel horrible. Bridget is now very lonely and bored. Gisele was around $175. I'm moving mid-July and my %&^*&* land lord has hit me with some huge unexpected expenses. So I may have to go on the college diet again to afford a companion for my poor girl.

Monday, June 02, 2008

No Air Conditioning

It's hard to believeI lived like this for 18 years. It is hot, sticky and I'm breaking out.
I also forgot my checkbook.... and very few places take my kind of credit card.
I've been reading alot of good books, and I certainly feel centered.
And sad that tomorrow is my last day home....I gotta start getting ready for my trip home tomorrow.
The chinchillas will appreciate the air conditioning... they aren't supposed to be in above 85 degree weather. It's certainly above that here!