Tandy Hard

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Beauty, the Compare People Application on Facebook, and Cesar Milan

So I just read my compare people application on facebook. Apparently, I'm considered not very attractive-it seems that lots of people have better eyes, smell nicer, are more sexy, etc. At first, I was kinda upset about this. Then, I think back to how the people on facebook know me:through college. In college, I was a mess. I was catching up on a ton of social skills that I should have learned in high school, had no clothes budget/still wore hand-me-downs from my cousins, was stressed about school, hung out with a group of people who didn't like me much, and probably treated anybody who asked about my life a long list of how unhappy/ grumpy I was.
And I wondered initially why people would think I was unattractive.
Then Cesar Milan, the Dog Whisperer came into my life. Not really, but watching his show, a couple of things came to a head, that had been swirling around for a while.
He talks to people who have huge dog issues. There dog is violent/ aggressive and misbehaving. Milan tells them to be the pack leader. To show and exert control over your dog by body language and attitude. You're to show them that you are clam, confident and in charge.
For a large portion of my life, I was the opposite, and that showcased my most negative character traits. Shall we say unattractive?
I could fake this "clam and incharge" non-verbal body language in speeches and sometimes deabtes. Perhaps that's why I liked Forensics so much and placed well in speeches. I would also notice that when I was actually going out with someone, I got hit on the most. Again, I think It's those non-verbal signals that I sent out. At that time, I was happy and confident, and that aura helped me be more attractive to other people.
Now, I'm at a point in my life, where self confidence is a must. I've got to teach, and that requires at lot of faith in myself, especially dealing with disruptive students.
Slowly I'm making changes to the person I wan to be. I'm dressing better, I'm taking care of myself more, and I'm working on being more confident, in or out of a relationship.
But this compare people application is bunk anyway....people voted me, out of all the character traits... most likely to skip class!
Not anymore! (unless they want to hire a sub!) :)


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