Tandy Hard

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Blue Birds, singn' a song, nothing but Blue birds....

Right now, things are going very right for me. My teaching contract came in the mail today. With it, I can prove to the bank that I'm a credible, trustworthy person that they can give a car loan to. In two weeks from now, if luck holds out. I will be the proud owner of a 1998 Honda Civic (2 door hatch-back)! I'm super stoked, I'm twenty three years old, but I've never had my own car before. This really means freedom for me. I can visit my sister in Iowa, visit Neva in KC, and most importantly get to the various teacher in-service days at my new job. (2.5 hours away from where I am currently living). The car is incredibly well taken care off, a little on the heavy side on miles (130,000-but I'm told that for a Honda, that is no problem.) The owners are nice, and what's more understand what it is like to be a poor grad student. This is very very exciting.

The only problem is, I haven't really driven since high school. This has paid off for cheap insurance (it is hard to be responsible for an accident when you don't drive), but made me very antsy about driving my new baby around the streets of K-Ville and the highway to get to work. If you are in the area, and are willing to be a driving coach, I'll drive you to Dairy Queen and buy you a sundae, provided that I get you there alive ;)


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