Tandy Hard

Wednesday, July 18, 2007


We are in the final days of the count down! WHEEEE! I am currently trying to convince some of my co-workers to come with me to a "Potter Party" at the Bookstore where I used to work. Unfortunately, I should be writing and researching two 5 page papers this weekend. And I work all day Sunday. I am going to have to practice judicious self control... I don't know if I can handle it!!!
For the last two books I've stayed up and collapsed in an exhausted heap around2-4 in the afternoon, secretly relishing the fact that I knew what happened before my siblings did. The threat of a spoiler was enough to make my sister do what I said for an entire three days! (Not really, but one can wish).

So after Friday, if you are around me when someone says "Harry Potter", don't be surprises if I suddenly stick my fingers in my ears and start sing loudly.

P.S. J K Rowling worked for Amnesty International when she was out of college. Can this woman get any more amazing?!


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