Tandy Hard

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Attack of the Mormons

I just had a very nice conversation with two Elders. "Elders" is a misnomer, these two kids were just out of high school, and when I first met them they were in the process of walking through campus and being rejected, rather rudely at some points. Now don't worry, I'm not ever going to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Nope, it is not for me. But the members of the church are still human, and members do try and follow Christ, even if I don't agree with some of their mechanisms. I felt sorry for the dudes, and respected their earnestness and resilience. So, being given my copy of the Book of Mormon, we scheduled another "discussion" for 8'o'clock in the morning... (I'm way too nice for my own good, my sleep schedule is very important). It was a nice discussion about faith, and I must admit, it was nice to pray with people again. But I think the fact that I was moving in two weeks kept them from pushing too hard for a faith conversion.

I've visted the vistors center at the Mormon Tabernacle in Salt Lake, and they've visited my apartment before. Very interesting people.

I was visiting Salt Lake with a Small contingent of the Debate team. Schanck, Trevor and Dove. All of us were relative skepics, and Dove (ever the philosophy and religion minor) was even more so... "So let me get this straight.. some People from Isreal felt the end of the world was going to happen, so they sailed from Isreal to the Americas carrying their text on some golden plates, aroung 540 B.C. but fell from the faith and become the Native Americans."

For Dove, that was too fantastic a story. BUT the Bible has even more fantastic stories that would sound even more ridiculous to people who were unfamilar with them.


Blogger Beth said...

I'm always nice to the Mormons and the Jehovah's Witnesses too. I had a couple of JW's who came to visit me regularly, when I was pregnant with E-baby. They're good, earnest people and deserve to be treated with respect! :)

8:44 PM  
Blogger Eric Atcheson said...

The advantage the Bible has over the Book of Mormon is that it wasn't written in the modern era, where it is far easier to disprove many of the claims made by the Book of Mormon (for instance, DNA testing demonstrates that there is no way that Native Americans are Judaic). Some Christians (like myself) tend to treat the Bible as a more allegorical text, whereas the Book of Mormon gets a quite literal interpretation by many of its adherents, which has given people of an anti-Mormon prejudice (like evangelical Christians) only more ammunition to attack Mormonism...never mind the fact that the LDS Church treats the Book of Mormon the same way evangelicals treat the Bible.


10:03 AM  

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