Tandy Hard

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

It is good to feel validated

Whoa... so I'm back. I crammed about a week's worth of "things to do" in one day. Wahoo for being super productive. I survived the drive. The Honda doesn't have cruise control, so my right leg will never be the same. I also learned something about Shell gas stations-unless yoju pick the type of gasoline, the machine will pick for you the most expensive kind. For $3.42 it better not only clean my engine, but whiten my teeth too!
The majority of the Day was spent filling out paper work for the Business office, and I got to listen to my first insurance spiel.
There are four newer to the profession science teachers, one of them is a previous Truman graduate who just finished getting her Masters, so I can get a ton of advise and suggestions in completing my culminating masters project-a portfolio. The newbies are all really friendly, and I think we will get along great and have a excellent work environment. We also will have data projectors in all the rooms, so Power Points will be a cinch!
The Textbook is amazing. I'm really pleased. We are in a program that teaches physics first... which is very difficult considering Freshmen's developmental abilities and math abilities. The text does a great job in blanacing complexity. The materials are great so I won't have to do much altering. All the lab equipment comes with it, so I won't have to spend my budget on that. So I can really spend time on working on supplemental stuff aka (Making everything fun and relevant)
I originally came to Truman wanting to be a Physics Teacher, and my first job is actually that! I think it's pretty amazing.
By the time the training was done, most of the apartment complexes were officially closed, but by banging on doors I was able to get tours of three apartments. Let's just say that the housing in Kirksville is better and cheaper than in Troy. Two of the places I went to, I would feel unsafe living there-one just reaked of smoke. The place I want to get into though has a waiting list.. so we will see.
So a very adventurous day for me... I'm just very excited about starting to teach, especially now that I've got a taste of it, and hopefully that energy will be enough to carry me through the rest of this month...and if nothing else....



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