Tandy Hard

Monday, July 14, 2008

Why Truman was a waste of money

I'm very angry. My portfolio is/was due on the 15th, a Tuesday. I drive up to Kirksville on Friday morning to make the final changes to my portfolio. Doc then looks it over and gives me a final edit. I do the final edition Saturday, burn it onto the required autorun CD and drive home. Total cost: $100 for gas, motel and food, not bad, but not cheap either. However, I get a call at 3 pm today from my adviser, saying that I need to do another revision. This is 16 hours away from the deadline. I drive up to Kirksville (3hrs) and find out that the edits he wants me to make are TYPOS THAT HE COULD HAVE CAUGHT ON FRIDAY! (It takes me twenty minutes to fit everything). So I'm out gas money and trying to decide if it would be safe to sleep in my car or semi-break in to one of the buildings at Truman so I don't have to pay for a motel again.
Driving home on Saturday was one of the most liberating things I've done. I was done with my education and I could just be what I set out to be, a teacher. Much car dancing and air punching ensued.
It was very frustrating to be told to come back. I was hoping to see the campus again next year, NOT the day after tomorrow.I'm behind on packing for the move this weekend and a goal that I thought was finished bounces back to be an even greater pain in the butt.
This guy is getting old, and his mistakes are passed on to his students to fix. Granted, I should have caught the typos, but he said it was his job to edit and catch everything.
I'm so angry, mad and frustrated. I'm deffinatly leaving Truman with a bad taste in my mouth. this is sad, because I was one of it's biggest advocates.


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