Tandy Hard

Thursday, January 24, 2008


Yea! We are five eighths done with the school year!
This Friday, Saturday and Sunday I am judging a debate and Forensics Tournament at Webster University. Yea! I'm really looking forward to it, several alumni from Truman are judging at the tournament and I'll get to see old friends whom I havn't seen in two or more years. I'm also looking forward to watching the events. There are fewer things more pleasurable for me than watching a good Crit round or debate. I'm excited because I'm going to be one of the experts, one of the experienced judges. "Oh, we have Hobbs, feew, she knows what she is doing!"
Also, I'm getting paid which is exciting, $10 per round. If things go how I expect them to, I should earn around $100 this weekend. That will be mediated of course by the hour drive and the gas, but I'll pretty much be paid to see friends and do what I enjoy. If only if there was such a thing as a professional debate judge..... The money will be welcomed, it's not like I can work overtime at school.

Also, one of my friends who is also a MAE intern has started on the cedar chest that I commissioned (sounds fancy, right?) for my sister's wedding. You can see the design here. http://www.mywerkshop.com/home.php?pid=20080124094111727

Gotta go grade papers.


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